. . . you preach your first chapel sermon.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the process of preaching for chapel from start to finish,” says Phil Waldschmidt (LPS / St. Jacobi-Greenfield WI). “There’s something so special about an honest, straightforward discussion, first with God in his Word, then with myself, then with God’s people. Did it seem a little scary at first? Yes! Did I get nervous beforehand? You bet! But the opportunity to dig deeper into Scripture and show my classmates God’s comfort and guidance trumps any nerves I had going into it.”

In addition to preaching an occasional sermon, preseminary majors like Phil concentrate on the biblical languages, Greek and Hebrew. They also study history and literature, math and science and PE. And some study other languages as well: maybe German or Latin, Spanish or Chinese. And of course they play sports and sing in choirs and act in plays and belong to clubs—all the ingredients of a great college experience! It’s just the kind of preparation they need to move on to Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, where they will continue their pastoral education.