New Materials


LC Classification










K — LAW – WP version












BC 177 .B18925 2016
Baggini, Julian, author.   The edge of reason : a rational skeptic in an irrational world / Julian Baggini.
BD 638 .B335 2013
Bardon, Adrian.   A brief history of the philosophy of time / Adrian Bardon.
BF 39 .C4885 2016
Christian, Brian, 1984- author.   Algorithms to live by : the computer science of human decisions / Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths.   First international edition.
BM 150 .F56 2016
Fine, Steven.   Art, history and the historiography of Judaism in Roman antiquity / by Steven Fine.   Leiden : Brill, 2016.
BR 115 .O3 B46 2016
Bennett, Robert H.   Afraid : demon possession and spiritual warfare in America / Robert H. Bennett.
BR 331 .E6 2015
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.   Day-by-day : 365 devotional readings with Martin Luther / Dawn Weinstock.
BR 331 .E68 2017
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546, author. aut.   Psalm by Psalm : 365 devotional readings with Martin Luther / edited by Dawn Mirly Weinstock.
BR 526 .D735 2017
Dreher, Rod, author.   The Benedict option : a strategy for Christians in a post-Christian nation / Rod Dreher.
BS 2545 .F7 C47 1996
Fischer, William E.   Christian freedom : Christ sets us free / William E. Fischer.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 1996.
BS 2665.52 .G78 2016
Grunewald, R. J., author.   Reading Romans with Luther / R.J. Grunewald.
BS 480 .K44 2002
Keller, Brian R.   Bible : God’s inspired, inerrant Word / Brian R. Keller.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2003.
BS 649 .E63 N37 2011
Nass, Thomas P.   End times : Jesus is coming soon / Thomas P. Nass.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2011.
BS 651 .W443 2000
Weigand, Cleone H.   Creation : God made all things / Cleone H. Weigand.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2000.
BT 111.3 .B35 2001
Balge, Richard D., 1932-.   Trinity : one God, three persons / Richard D. Balge.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2001.
BT 121.2 .V63 G5 1997
Vogt, John F.   Holy Spirit : the giver of life / John F. Vogt.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 1997.
BT 135 .L469 G62 1997
Lenz, Mark J.   God’s providence : He cares for you / Mark J. Lenz.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, ©1997.
BT 202 .K8 2007
Kuschel, Harlyn J.   Christ : He is my Lord / Harlyn J. Kuschel.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2007.
BT 701.2 .L823 M36 1998
Luchterhand, Lyle L.   Man : from glory to ashes and back / Lyle L. Luchterhand.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 1998.
BT 764.2 .M83 2002
Mueller, Wayne D.   Justification : how God forgives / Wayne D. Mueller.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2002.
BT 765 .L364 1999
Lange, Lyle W.   Sanctification : alive in Christ / Lyle W. Lange.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, ©1999.
BT 780 .B73 2000
Brenner, John M.   Conversion : not by my own choosing / John M. Brenner.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2000.
BT 79 .D62 L38 1996
Dobberstein, Leroy A.   Law and gospel : bad news, good news / Leroy A. Dobberstein.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 1996.
BT 809 .T48 2009
Thuesen, Peter Johannes, 1971-.   Predestination : the American career of a contentious doctrine / by Peter J. Thuesen.   New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011.
BT 810.2 .M647 P7 1997
Moldstad, John A., Jr.   Predestination : chosen in Christ / John A Moldstad, Jr.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 1997.
BT 832 .K4 2007
Keller, Brian R.   Heaven and hell : eternal life, eternal punishment / Brian R. Keller.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2007.
BT 903 .D38 2015
Davis, Stephen T., 1940-.   After we die : theology, philosophy, and the question of life after death / Stephen T. Davis.
BT 966 .S383 A5 1997
Schuetze, John D.   Angels and demons : have wings– will travel / John D. Schuetze.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, ©1997.
BV 215 .P47 2001
Petermann, Joel V.   Prayer : an audience with the King / Joel V. Petermann.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, ©2001.
BV 4639 .L33 2014
Laboa, Juan María, author.   Caritas : the illustrated history of Christian charity / Juan María Laboa.   New York ; Mahwah, NJ : Paulist Press, 2014.
BV 629.2 .D487 C58 1998
Deutschlander, Daniel M.   Civil government : God’s other kingdom / Daniel M. Deutschlander.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 1998.
BV 660.2 .S38 C4 1995
Schuetze, Armin W.   Church– mission– ministry : the family of God / Armin W. Schuetze.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 1995.
BV 772 .W64 2001
Wolfgramm, Arno J.   Stewardship : what I do with what God gave me / Arno J. Wolfgramm.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2001.
BV 811.2 .S36 1999
Schmeling, Gaylin R.   Baptism : my adoption into God’s family / Gaylin R. Schmeling.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, ©1999.
BV 820 .B783 C4 1996
Brug, John F.   Church fellowship : working together for the truth / John F. Brug.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, ©1996.
BX 8073 .K63 2007
Koelpin, Arnold J.   Lord’s Supper : the Lamb’s high feast / Arnold J. Koelpin.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2007.
D 155 .C79 2015
The crusades to the Holy Land : the essential reference guide / Alan V. Murray, editor.
D 202.8 .B75 2011
Briggs, Charles F.   The body broken : medieval Europe, 1300-1520 / Charles F. Briggs.   London ; New York : Routledge, 2011.
D 516 .C2813 2016
Cabanes, Bruno, author.   August 1914 : France, the Great War, and a month that changed the world forever / Bruno Cabanes ; translated by Stephanie O’Hara.
DA 145 .O94 2016
The Oxford handbook of Roman Britain / edited by Martin Millett, Louise Revell and Alison Moore.   First edition.
DA 591 .A45 D53458 2017
Morton, Andrew, 1953- author.   Diana : Her True Story – In Her Own Words / Andrew Morton.   First Simon & Schuster trade paperback edition.
DF 234.2 .H65 2016
Holt, Frank Lee.   The treasures of Alexander the Great : how one man’s wealth shaped the world / Frank L. Holt.
DG 260 .C6 H45 2008
Hejduk, Julia Dyson, 1966-.   Clodia : a sourcebook / Julia Dyson Hejduk.   Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, ©2008.
DK 32 .E776 2015
Everyday life in Russia past and present / edited by Choi Chatterjee, David L. Ransel, Mary Cavender, and Karen Petrone.
DS 62.2 .W67 2016
The world around the Old Testament : the people and places of the ancient Near East / edited by Bill T. Arnold and Brent A. Strawn.
DS 919.5 .L536 2014
Li, Xiaobing, 1954- author.   China’s battle for Korea : the 1951 spring offensive / Xiaobing Li.
E 215.4 .H66 2017
Hinderaker, Eric, author.   Boston’s massacre / Eric Hinderaker.
E 672 .W48 2017
White, Ronald C. (Ronald Cedric), 1939- author.   American Ulysses : a life of Ulysses S. Grant / Ronald C. White.   Random House trade paperback edition.
E 807.1 .R48 C66 1992 v.3
Cook, Blanche Wiesen.   Eleanor Roosevelt : the war years and after, 1939-1962 / Blanche Wiesen Cook.   New York : Viking, ©1992-2016.
GN 289 .F35 2015
Fairbanks, Daniel J., author.   Everyone is African : how science explodes the myth of race / Daniel J. Fairbanks.
GV 796 .B76 2014
Brown, Daniel James, 1951- author.   The boys in the boat : nine Americans and their epic quest for gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics / Daniel James Brown.
HB 103 .S6 E94 2015
Evensky, Jerry, 1948-.   Adam Smith’s Wealth of nations : a reader’s guide / Jerry Evensky, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
HB 3711 .K627 2015
Knoop, Todd A.   Business cycle economics : understanding recessions and depressions from boom to bust / Todd A. Knoop.
HC 427.95 .K76 2016
Kroeber, Arthur R., author.   China’s economy : what everyone needs to know / Arthur R. Kroeber.
HQ 1134 .W626 2015
Women & war in antiquity / edited by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Alison Keith.
HQ 734 .S38 2003
Schuetze, John D.   Marriage and family : the family photo album / John D. Schuetze.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2003.
HQ 770.4 .P485 2016
Phelan, Thomas W., 1943- author.   1-2-3 magic : 3-step discipline for calm, effective, and happy parenting / Thomas W. Phelan, PhD.   Sixth edition.
JN 147 .M33 2016 set DVD
Magna Carta : Unlocked / producer, Sceptred Isle Productions Ltd ; directors, Tom Russell, Hamish Macleod, Yvonne Morley ; written by Philip Quenby.
JV 6455 .F59 2013
Fleegler, Robert L.   Ellis Island nation : immigration policy and American identity in the twentieth century / Robert L. Fleegler.   Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, ©2013.
KF 9397 .A328179 H35 2016
Halperin, Terri Diane, 1966- author.   The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 : testing the Constitution / Terri Diane Halperin.
KJA 2233 .T74 1991
Treggiari, Susan.   Roman marriage : iusti coniuges from the time of Cicero to the time of Ulpian / Susan Treggiari.   Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1991.
LB 1576 .A54 2011
Anderson, Jeff, 1966-.   10 things every writer needs to know / Jeff Anderson.   Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, ©2011.
LC 3981 .F75 2011
Friend, Marilyn Penovich, 1953-.   Special education : contemporary perspectives for school professionals / Marilyn Friend.   3rd ed.   Boston : Pearson, ©2011.
LC 4031 .E87 2010
Turnbull, Ann P., 1947-.   Exceptional lives : special education in today’s schools / Ann Turnbull, Rud Turnbull, Michael L. Wehmeyer.   6th ed.   Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Merrill, ©2010.
LC 5141 .E67 2012
Epstein, Kitty Kelly, 1946-.   A different view of urban schools : civil rights, critical race theory, and unexplored realities / Kitty Kelly Epstein.   Rev. ed.   New York : P. Lang, ©2012.
LD 3231 .M6604 C32 2017
Cady, Coral Lynn.   Nutrition and nitrogen cycle instruction in Timor : using a STEM approach with aquaponics / Coral Lynn Cady.
LD 3231 .M6604 D43 2016
De Frain, Casey J.   Technology curriculum in grades 5-8 / by Casey J. De Frain.
LD 3231 .M6604 F73 2016
Fredrich, Edwin John.   Marketing in WELS schools : efforts to increase enrollment and improve retention / by Edwin John Fredrich.
LD 3231 .M6604 G56 2017
Ginés, Maria A.   WELS early childhood outreach : an investigation of program strategies / by Maria A. Ginés.
LD 3231 .M6604 K74 2016
Krieger, Kate L.   Building teacher-student relationships in a multicultural middle school / by Kate L. Krieger.
LD 3231 .M6604 M83 2016
Mueller, Christopher S.   Descriptive study of open : semi-open, and closed enrollment policies in WELS schools / by Christopher S. Mueller.
LD 3231 .M6604 U54 2017
Ullhorn, David J.   An online algebra 1 course / by David J. Ullhorn.
LD 3231 .M6604 Z55 2017
Zimmermann, Seth J.   Effective marketing and enrollment practices for Salem Lutheran School / by Seth J. Zimmermann.
LD 4191 .O72 M43 2016
Means, Howard B., author.   67 shots : Kent State and the end of American innocence / Howard Means.
M 1500 .P975 D53 1989 set
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695.   Dido and Aeneas / Henry Purcell.   Hamburg, Germany : Archiv Produktion, ℗1989.
N 6537 .B233 S84 2016 * * *
Steptoe, Javaka, 1971- author, artist.   Radiant child : the story of young artist Jean-Michel Basquiat / Javaka Steptoe.   First edition.
PA 857 .E88 2017
Estes, Douglas. author.   Questions and rhetoric in the Greek New Testament : an essential reference resource for exegesis / Douglas Estes.
PE 3724 .S85 M65 2016
Mohr, Melissa, author.   Holy shit : a brief history of swearing / Melissa Mohr.
PJ 4567 .F959 2017
Fullilove, William.   Introduction to Hebrew : a guide for learning and using Biblical Hebrew / William Fullilove.   Phillipsburg, New Jersey : P & R Publishing, c2017.
PN 171 .Q6 O86 2017
O’Toole, Garson, author.   Hemingway didn’t say that : the truth behind familiar quotations / Garson O’Toole.   First edition.
PN 1998.3 .H58 C35 2015
The Cambridge companion to Alfred Hitchcock / edited by Jonathan Freedman, University of Michigan.
PR 4074 .P3 2011
Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew), 1860-1937.   The annotated Peter Pan / J.M. Barrie ; edited with an introduction and notes by Maria Tatar.   1st ed., Centennial ed.   New York : W.W. Norton & Co., ©2011.
PR 6015 .U9 Z877 2010
Sion, Ronald T.   Aldous Huxley and the search for meaning : a study of the eleven novels / Ronald T. Sion.   Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Co., ©2010.
PR 6023 .E926 Z7943 2016
Marsden, George M., 1939- author.   C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity : a biography / George M. Marsden.
PR 9199.3 .M6 Z5193 2013
Anne around the world : L.M. Montgomery and her classic / edited by Jane Ledwell and Jean Mitchell.
PS 3561 .E25243 Z83 2016 * * *
Pinkney, Andrea Davis, author.   A poem for Peter : the story of Ezra Jack Keats and the creation of The snowy day / Andrea Davis Pinkney ; pictures by Lou Fancher & Steve Johnson.
PS 3619 .I94 E45 2017
Sittenfeld, Curtis, author.   Eligible : a novel / Curtis Sittenfeld.
PS 507 .A56 2013
American gothic : from Salem witchcraft to H.P. Lovecraft, an anthology / edited by Charles L. Crow.   Second edition.
PZ 10.3 .H97 Wh * * *
Hutchins, Pat, 1942- author, illustrator.   Where, oh where, is Rosie’s chick? / Pat Hutchins.   First US edition.
PZ 7 .D7745 Sl * * *
Doyle, Eugenie, 1952- author.   Sleep tight farm : a farm prepares for winter / by Eugenie Doyle ; illustrated by Becca Stadtlander.
PZ 7 .F866 In * * *
Frazee, Marla, author, illustrator.   Introducing the bossier baby as herself! / Marla Frazee.   First edition.
PZ 7 .G325 Sk * * *
Gerstein, Mordicai, author, illustrator.   The sleeping gypsy / Mordicai Gerstein.   First Edition.
PZ 7 .P75186 Bd * * *
Polacco, Patricia, author, illustrator.   Because of Thursday / Patricia Polacco.   First edition.
PZ 7 .P97325 Me * * *
Pulver, Robin, author.   Me first! : prefixes lead the way / by Robin Pulver ; illustrated by Lynn Rowe Reed.   First Edition.
PZ 7 .S34714 Pr * * *
Schlitz, Laura Amy, author.   Princess Cora and the crocodile / Laura Amy Schlitz ; illustrated by Brian Floca.   First edition.
PZ 7 .S6538 Pe * * *
Smith, Lane, author, illustrator.   A perfect day / Lane Smith.   First edition.
PZ 7.1 .W436 Th * * *
Wenzel, Brendan, author, illustrator.   They all saw a cat / Brendan Wenzel.
PZ 7.7 .T52 Won * * *
Thompson, Jill, 1966- author, illustrator.   Wonder Woman : the true Amazon / Jill Thompson, writer and artist ; Jason Arthur, letterer.
PZ 8.3 .W374 Fre * * *
Weatherford, Carole Boston, 1956- author.   Freedom in Congo Square / by Carole Boston Weatherford ; illustrated by R. Gregory Christie.   First edition.
Q 127 .U6 B2755 2017
Baron, David, 1964- author.   American eclipse : a nation’s epic race to catch the shadow of the moon and win the glory of the world / David Baron.   First edition.
QB 641 .J46 2017
Jenner, Nicky, author.   4th rock from the Sun : the story of Mars / Nicky Jenner.
QP 376 .B73 2015 set DVD
Brain with Dr. David Eagleman (Television program).   The brain / produced by Blink Films for PBS ; written and presented by Dr. David Eagleman ; line producer, Helen Conlan ; series director, Toby Trackman ; senior producer, Jennifer Beamish ; executive producers, Justine Kershaw, Dan Oliver, David Eagleman.   Widescreen.
U 35 .L8 2016
Luttwak, Edward, author.   The grand strategy of the Roman Empire : from the first century CE to the third / Edward N. Luttwak.   Revised and updated edition.