
The Martin Luther College family thanks you for your generosity and rejoices in the Lord for your support. Your gifts further the mission of MLC and WELS as we train a core of Christian witnesses to proclaim the Word of God faithfully.

Click the buttons below to donate online to the EQUIPPING CHRISTIAN WITNESSES Capital Campaign, to donate online to MLC, or download, print, and return a donation form to MLC.

donate online

Many companies offer matching gifts if employees give to a non-profit or educational institution. Please check with your employer to see if such a program exists., or try the Match Finder below. If you have any questions at all, please call the MLC Mission Advancement Office at (507) 354-8221 ext. 295.

Use this tool to check if your employer matches gifts.

Leave a Legacy

We will be happy to help you review your current estate planning documents or counsel you through preparation of new documents that will help you “create a legacy” for your family and the ministries you love. These services are at no cost to you, and any information shared during your work is confidential. Please contact our Mission Advancement Office at (507) 354-8221 to set up a visit. Resource Development Counselor Kate Tohal is also available to answer your questions.

The MLC Support & Outreach Legacy Association (SOLA) consists of individuals who have invested in preparing and encouraging future pastors, teachers, and staff ministers through a deferred gift to Martin Luther College. Consider joining SOLA today!

We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power and the wonders he has done. Psalm 78:4