00:12:09 Tonya: Thanks! 00:12:10 Immanuel: Hi from Immanuel, Medford. It was -24 on this day off from school. It's good to be here! 00:12:34 James Carlovsky: Welcome! We also matched you at -24 air temperature here in New Ulm! 00:12:43 Merry Leerssen: -28 in Buffalo, MN 00:12:43 John: It should start warming up on Wednesday! 00:12:51 Robert Martens: That is the prayer. 00:12:59 Mark Z: Does your calendar say February??? 00:13:04 Robert Martens: House was only at 60 this morning, not able to keep up. 00:13:10 Dan Fenske: Greetings, Immanuel. I taught at NLHS for 20 years- good to hear from the 715 area code! 00:13:21 Jared Christensen: Good morning, from St. James, MN. Enjoying a balmy -24 as well. 00:13:30 Tonya: Good morning, from sunny CA it is 53 degrees and a perk for taking a Call away from family and friends. LOL! 00:13:46 Jennifer Wockenfuss: Hello from Idaho! We got our first snow of the winter. It will melt by the afternoon. :) 00:13:46 Fred Luehring: Cold Air...Warm Hearts...Blessed by the LORD of LOVE Happy Valentines...Jesus 00:13:47 aberg: Hello from MKE 00:13:49 Angela Randall: Heat wave in Greenfield, MN only -6 today. 00:13:50 Joann Kasten: Good Morning from Menasha, WI 00:13:50 Mr. Matthew Ivan: Good morning from Arizona! 35* and windy today 00:13:54 Natosha: No audio here, hello from North Eastern Arizona! Cold here too. But not as cold as you. 28 degrees. 6 inches of snow two days ago. 00:14:15 Lynelle Schleusener: hello from san diego 00:14:21 Anna Endorf: Fairfax, MN must be warmer it is -8 here with real feel of 0. The sun is shining. 00:14:23 Carrie Magner: Good morning from Champlin MN at -7 right now! 00:14:25 Jennifer Rannow: Hello from NC 00:14:31 Gina CCC Counselor: Good morning from sunny Rochester, MN. The birds are practicing their spring calls, so hope is in the air. 00:14:34 Lynelle Schleusener: audio 00:14:36 Lynelle Schleusener: yeah 00:14:37 aberg: Good now 00:14:41 Jason Petoskey: Greetings from South East Michigan. Sound is good 00:14:41 Joann Kasten: Good 00:14:41 Gina CCC Counselor: Sounds good 00:14:41 Carrie Magner: Sound is good 00:14:42 julieannekrieger@gmail.com: Hello from Livonia, MI 00:14:43 Natosha: Good now 00:14:43 Fred Luehring: Sounds good to me 00:14:44 Tonya: It is audible 00:14:45 julieannekrieger@gmail.com: Sound is good 00:14:46 Greta Mierau: Good 00:14:47 Immanuel: Sounds great 00:14:51 kathie: Able to hear. Good mornin 00:14:54 Jared Christensen: Good morning, Gina! 00:15:18 ginar_000: Good morning Jared! 00:16:13 Jane: Good Morning HT 00:16:43 Melissa Berg: Good morning, all! 00:17:35 Melissa Pittenger: I'm so glad this is happening!!! 00:17:44 Rachel Burgess: Hi Everyone! 00:23:59 Melissa Pittenger: I like that book and have been able to attend some of her trainings! 00:37:30 ginar_000: will these slides be shared at the end? 00:41:29 Melissa Pittenger: This is fascinating research. Thanks for connecting this epidemiology to the Word! 00:42:09 Rachel Feld: We will link to the slides on the resources website when the recording is available. 00:42:25 Laura Schroeder: Thank you! 00:43:29 James Carlovsky: Please don't hesitate to include any questions you have for Prof. Green in this chat area and we'll try our best to curate the questions at the end of this session. 00:43:50 Gina Grove: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/index.html 00:44:10 Dan Fenske: Thanks for the link- Gina 00:45:31 ginar_000: Thank you! 00:45:44 Gina Grove: You’re welcome. 00:46:56 Rachel Pierson: https://zonesofregulation.com/index.html 00:47:21 Melissa Pittenger: What does deflect mean? 00:49:37 Grace Marquardt: Is there any way to safely gauge - in either ourselves or our students - whether their/our natural response to events is fight, flight, or freeze? Would knowing this be helpful in handling situations in the classroom? Or could knowing this help us better handle students based on what they, in particular, need in the moment? 00:50:23 Paul: Could we possibly get a handout/pdf with the zones of regulation slide? 00:52:17 James Carlovsky: Great questions! Keep them coming! We see them!We'll address many of them near the end of this session. 00:53:36 Melissa Pittenger: The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Both sins we commit and sins committed against us. I love connecting this truth to children and adults who have lived in trauma. 00:59:47 Greta Mierau: What is Christian Family Solutions? 01:00:20 Hannah Mueller: Counseling services connected with the Synod. 01:00:25 Melissa Pittenger: Used to be Wisconsin Child and Family Services. 01:00:27 Rachel Pierson: They were formerly known as WCLFS (Wisconsin Lutheran Child & Family Services) 01:00:53 John: https://christianfamilysolutions.org/locations/mankato/ 01:01:13 James Carlovsky: https://christianfamilysolutions.org/ 01:01:20 John: CFS does have online counseling services available for people who are not located near a clinic. 01:01:53 Valerie: They also have a great resource page: https://christianfamilysolutions.org/resources/ 01:02:03 Melissa Pittenger: And there services are free to kids in our Lutheran High Schools! 01:02:15 Ashley Schoof: I currently am one of the Clinical Directors at CFS. Please let me know if you have any questions! I am a licensed child psychologist with CFS 01:03:12 John: Ashley will be teaching a course for MLC in the Michigan District in June. The topic is Adolescent Mental Health. 01:03:26 James Carlovsky: https://cls.welsrc.net/ 01:03:27 Gina Grove: Resurrection Lutheran School in Rochester, MN is tapping into a volunteer licensed therapist who is supporting teachers, students and families right at school. It may be worthwhile to tap into those licensed therapists who are within your congregation and brainstorm how they can support teachers and your school families. 01:03:27 aberg: Love 5 to thrive 01:03:55 Valerie: A lot of churches have access to a program called MAP which includes several free sessions with a counselor.l 01:04:25 Carrie Magner: Yes, thank you Kelli! 01:04:25 Laura Schroeder: Awesome session! 01:04:27 Melissa Pittenger: Can you share a link for that video? 01:04:36 Gina Grove: Thank you, Kelli! 01:04:40 Melissa Pittenger: The one here at the end. 01:04:42 Rachel Pierson: https://cls.welsrc.net/ 01:04:54 Robert Martens: We will make sure to include that when we share the recording and other resources. 01:05:01 Melissa Pittenger: Thanks, Rachel! 01:05:34 Natosha: Thank you very much for this pre-Conference. 01:05:51 Anna Endorf: Thank you! It was great 01:06:01 Kathaleen McGowan: Thank you for the information. 01:06:38 Valerie: Prof. Green will also be teaching Serving Exceptional Students: MTSS and Behavior Theory, a two-day course on the MLC campus this summer. 01:07:52 Rachel Feld: Mlc-wels.edu/openlearning/clockhours 01:09:18 Rachel Feld: https://mlc-wels.edu/openlearning/clockhours/ 01:10:16 kathie: What indicators might be exhibited to distinguish between mental illness and trauma? 01:10:45 Sherri Lueck: Thanks so much, this has been so helpful! 01:10:49 Michelle Schliewe: This sounds like something that parents could benefit from. Is there a presentation that is geared to helping parents? 01:11:19 Ashley Schoof: There is a book by Dr. Dan Siegel that really helps explain what Kelli is saying called The Whole BRAIN Child. 01:11:24 Nickie: Thank you!!!! 01:12:33 Lynelle Schleusener: empathize 01:12:39 Lynelle Schleusener: listen 01:12:57 Lynelle Schleusener: ask them what they want to do 01:13:05 Ashley Schoof: When regular states that we all go through start to affect multiple areas of functioning in a negative way is when we start to call them something 01:13:07 Melissa Pittenger: I know not everyone is a fan, but I really liked that practical tips and tricks in Dr. Ruby Payne's Emotional Poverty. 01:13:27 Lynelle Schleusener: let people cry 01:14:34 John: You can see the summer Serving in Time of Crisis free conference schedule on June 15-16 here: https://mlc-wels.edu/openlearning/sessions/ 01:14:36 Jason Petoskey: Validate their feeling and love the person for who they are and where they are at that moment. 01:14:44 Melissa Berg: A presentation for parents would be huge, especially one that weaves in our Christian worldview! 01:15:11 Jane: validate their feelings and concerns, give them a voice in the classroom 01:15:26 Rachel Feld: https://mlc-wels.edu/openlearning/clockhours/ 01:15:35 Immanuel: Thank you for this opportunity. 01:15:39 aberg: Thank you! 01:16:09 Melissa Pittenger: This conference looks great. 01:16:12 Joann Kasten: Thank you, that will be very helpful. 01:16:12 Tonya: Thank you MLC! 01:16:13 Michelle Schliewe: What is the website again that we registered on? 01:16:18 Emily Carroll: Thank you! 01:16:22 Rhoda Wolle: Thank you so much Prof. Green! Continued blessings on your work! 01:16:25 John: https://mlc-wels.edu/openlearning/sessions/ 01:16:28 Robert Martens: http://mlc-wels.edu/openlearning 01:16:29 Melissa Berg: A presentation for parents would be an amazing way for parents to see that our job in the classroom is more than academic, but is helping the whole child. We support each other with all of our needs as part of the body of Christ. 01:16:36 Anna Endorf: Thank you! 01:16:36 Hannah: Thank you! God's blessings! 01:16:37 Preschool: Thank you for this presentation. Looking forward to the June presentation. 01:16:39 Natosha: Love MLC, my cup overflows. 01:16:41 Dan Fenske: https://mlc-wels.edu/openlearning/ 01:16:55 Robert Martens: Also, expect another email in the near future with additional information. 01:17:03 Lynelle Schleusener: see you in June 01:17:08 Tonya: Are the June 15 and 16 sessions online or in person? 01:17:14 Julie Krieger: Thank you! 01:17:29 Lynelle Schleusener: yeah online 01:17:49 Tonya: Thank you for this. 01:17:50 Carrie Magner: Fantastic! On-line works so well! 01:17:52 Robert Martens: Blessings everyone! 01:18:00 Natosha: Thank you so much for online.