00:51:27 Lisa Kerr: Good afternoon all! Coming to you from sunny Milwaukee WI! 00:51:29 Cole Biesterfeld: Hello, from West Bend, WI 00:52:02 kris witt: Hi from NewBerlin,WI 00:54:00 Joann Kasten: Hi from Joni Kasten 00:54:28 Karen Tenyer: Good Afternoon from Kenosha, WI! 00:54:42 Lisa Kerr: Playing games? 00:54:45 Vicki Burger: playing a game 00:54:46 Kelley Randall: playing a game/video 00:54:48 Michelle: video 00:54:48 sbutler: game or video 00:54:49 Anne D.: playing a video game 00:54:50 Melody: watching 00:54:53 Mrs. Kelley: watching something 00:54:53 Nancy Kanter: video game, movie 00:54:54 Kayte Gut: passive - watching 00:54:55 Noelle Boucher: whatching a video 00:54:55 Jennifer Wockenfuss: passive!!!! 00:54:56 leanne.prange: playing a game 00:54:56 Deanna: Passive, he's just watching a screen 00:55:00 Phil Gieschen: playing a game 00:55:01 Karen Tenyer: gaming 00:55:02 Lisa Kerr: The computer in the back looks like Facebook...social media 00:55:03 Miss Hardman: zoning out 00:55:08 Ryan Jaeger: not learning? 00:55:09 Amy B: not talking with his mom 00:55:09 Naomi: figuring out a game 00:55:14 Michele: He looks zoned out. 00:55:33 Melody: engagement 00:55:35 jeremybakken: Apple 2E!!!! 00:55:36 Miss Hardman: mimic playing 00:55:37 Jennifer Wockenfuss: hands on active 00:55:38 sbutler: dad engaging with child 00:55:38 Amy B: parent child interaction 00:55:41 Alissa Kiedrowski: Puzzle? 00:55:42 Kayte Gut: active - hands on 00:55:42 Michele: Is that you? 00:55:43 Alanna Walker: They are working together 00:55:43 Mrs. Kelley: playing with dad 00:55:44 leanne.prange: dad is talking to the girl 00:55:44 AllenandJoy: parent interaction 00:55:44 Kelley Randall: daughter playing/learning from dad 00:55:45 LSatorius: dad teaching daughter how to play something 00:55:47 Anne D.: hands on learning 00:55:48 Lisa Kerr: OOh...throwback! Father helping kiddo to learn how to use the computer 00:55:49 Phil Gieschen: interacting with another person playing a game 00:55:49 Melody: connection 00:55:50 Deanna: Dad actively teaching daughter how to play 00:55:50 Robert Martens: Please be playing lemonade stand! 00:55:56 Vicki Burger: active participation interaction with parent 00:55:57 Noelle Boucher: playing a game with her father while he explains it 00:55:58 Karen Tenyer: That is a very old computer...perhaps a history lesson.. Ha Ha! 00:55:59 Michelle: An OOOLLDD Computer and parent/child engaging together. 00:56:00 Donna Kuenn: "helping" dad 00:56:00 Lisa Kerr: Old Apple?? 00:56:05 Phil Gieschen: apple 2 e 00:56:07 Kayte Gut: I thought is was Oregon Trail! 00:56:08 Beth Sternhagen: The start of your tech expertise! 00:56:11 Michelle: working together--engagement 00:56:43 Phil Gieschen: interaction 00:56:46 Deanna: the human interaction 00:56:46 LSatorius: personal connection 00:56:46 Noelle Boucher: passive vs active learning 00:56:48 Leah Qualmann: Active vs passive 00:56:49 Naomi: personal connection 00:56:49 leanne.prange: actively engaged with the child 00:56:50 Michelle: passive 1st one. active second 00:56:51 Vicki Burger: active learning vs passive watching 00:56:51 Rachel F: One is interacting with each other 00:56:53 Ann Moeller: Isolated vs. interactive. 00:56:53 rachel haugly: personal connection 00:56:53 Kelley Randall: engagement level is diff 00:56:54 Amy B: You were interacting with your dad and tech 00:56:55 Kayte Gut: passive vs active - interaction 00:56:56 Hannah Mueller: passive vs active 00:56:57 Karen Tenyer: true engagement with parent 00:56:59 buthb: encouraging a higher level of thinking with talking about thing 00:56:59 Phil Gieschen: one passive one active 00:56:59 Stephanie: I remember playing that Sesame game in Kindergarten! 00:57:03 Joy Pelkey: no one is connected or engaged 00:59:24 Lisa Kerr: We code with 1st grade in our school....K starts to learn basics of it :) 01:00:52 Katrina Brohn: Is there a recommended amount of screen time for littles? 01:02:07 Hannah Mueller: NAEYC 01:02:17 Vicki Burger: Is that change recently and due to Covid? 01:02:33 Robert Martens: It has been a few years, at least. 01:02:42 Dan Fenske: https://services.aap.org/en/search/?context=all&k=screen%20time 01:03:42 Dan Fenske: https://www.naeyc.org/search/screen%20time 01:04:21 Jennifer Mehlberg: https://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/topics/PS_technology_WEB.pdf 01:05:13 Robert Martens: It is hard enough with adults. 01:05:22 Jared Christensen: Thanks for the resources Dan and Jen 01:05:40 leanne.prange: they don't have the "social script" for online meeting either! 01:05:42 Deanna: Exactly, I had some preschoolers storm off because it wasn't their turn to talk- so hard!! 01:06:26 Robert Martens: My own kids asked a number of times to just be done with the call because they were tired of video calls. 01:06:37 Michele: Although Zoom meetings with Prek and K you get to see there houses, pets, and toys! 01:06:54 Michele: Their 01:08:31 Ali Wiedmann: I had trouble with not all devices letting them open/hear my recordings. Operator error or normal? 01:08:43 Phil Gieschen: Had a hard time with added audio to loom videos when teaching. For example if I wanted to add a you tube song the audio was distorted. Any ideas? 01:08:43 Kayte Gut: Any recommendation for a recording app? 01:08:46 Kelley Randall: Oh, brainwave, read aloud....during the summer. ty! 01:09:07 Melody: what if families don't have a Google account? 01:09:11 Brenda: I used screencastify for videos 01:09:39 Michele: I love Seesaw! 01:09:41 SmartBoard: We used Loom with a document camera. 01:09:50 leanne.prange: I love seesaw! 01:09:57 Anne D.: What is Seesaw? 01:10:01 Kayte Gut: THanks! 01:10:05 Michelle: And get them set up early in the year...at distance learning time some were scrambling to finally get connected! 01:10:11 rebeccak: Screencastify worked super well for our school. All families able to access. 01:10:28 Karen Tenyer: Class Dojo allows you to link slides and docs to students activities or in class story! 01:11:02 Michele: On-line field trips are good too. 01:11:03 Kelley Randall: http://www.freebibleimages.org/ 01:11:04 Mrs. Kelley: Free Bible images and loom worked great for my bible lessons! 01:11:58 Leah Qualmann: Used Flipgrid for virtual “show and tell” 01:12:00 ducky55910: FlipGrid worked will for my 1st and 2nd graders with minimal parent help. 01:12:17 Karen Tenyer: Class Dojo allows students to record themselves and totally secure within our class. 01:12:22 Mrs. Kelley: I had students respond to devotions or Christ-Light with Flipgrids 01:12:44 Amy B: My 1st and 2nd graders really enjoyed it. 01:12:47 leanne.prange: Students record on seesaw also. Videos, their work etc. 01:13:40 Deanna: Saddleback Kids has great, short Bible story cartoons on YouTube that I shared with my kids 01:13:59 Hannah Holzhueter: yes I love saddleback kids!! 01:14:24 Kelley Randall: especially since we broke Google docs yesterday! 01:15:23 ducky55910: Are these premade or do you need to make them? 01:16:05 Maggie Enstad: With the student-led versions, would each student be working on their own copy of the presentation? 01:16:12 leanne.prange: epic! is wonderful 01:16:17 Kayte Gut: Epic is awesome! Kids love it - great library! 01:16:31 Joy Pelkey: need a "school" email. Epic does not take a personal email 01:16:41 Anne D.: Be careful that they are reading the books instead of just watching videos on Epic. 01:16:49 Joanne Mattes: My preschoolers enjoyed Epic too. Lots of books to choose from. 01:17:44 Danielle Hall: You can also assign books on Epic for them to listen to. I use this with my kindergarteners for daily 5. They love it! 01:18:00 Connie Krueger: My kids were disappointed when I turned off the Minecraft and Lego videos on Epic. 😃 01:18:15 Jared Christensen: Epic is great! And there are options for Read-Aloud books as well. 01:18:56 Connie Krueger: Do the students need a Google account for Google slides? 01:18:58 ducky55910: Would it work best if all the teachers use the same platforms? I'm having parents that are very confused with all the different platforms from each teacher 01:19:25 Melody: How do you hold parents accountable? 01:19:51 SmartBoard: Learning plan slides with links on our school website 01:19:55 Anne D.: Is seesaw free? 01:20:04 Amy B: yes per teacher 01:20:13 leanne.prange: seesaw is free. the paid version has an assessment built in you can use 01:20:25 Melissa Berg: Seesaw has loads of premade activities you can use, too! 01:20:35 leanne.prange: I used all premade activities! 01:20:38 Kayte Gut: You can schedule activities with the paid version along with a larger database 01:20:48 Caley Ellenberger: I had feedback from parents that Seesaw wan't easy to keep track of information. 01:20:57 Lynelle Schleusener: having an assessment tool is helpful along with other. items 01:21:04 leanne.prange: my parents loved seesaw 01:21:32 ducky55910: observation of skills mastery 01:21:34 Melissa Berg: observation 01:21:35 sbutler: observing, conversations, one on one 01:21:36 Vicki Burger: observations, interactions 01:21:37 Karen Tenyer: I highly recommend using Class DoJo with the lower grades. They have added so much which covers good communication, video capability for teachers and students, and so much more. I prefer it to Seesaw. 01:21:37 Deanna: observation and anecdotal evidence 01:21:37 Michelle Dobberstein: observation, interaction, and questions 01:21:37 leanne.prange: observation 01:21:37 JRaasch: anecdotal notes, photographs 01:21:39 Nancy Kanter: conversations 01:21:40 Kayte Gut: observation - one on one interactions 01:21:40 Melody: observation during play 01:21:40 Jazzmin Sanchez: observing 01:21:42 Chad Grambsch: Hands on activities 01:21:42 Amy B: flipgrid answer 01:21:43 leanne.prange: one on one 01:21:46 Klemann.Jessica: photos of students doing the activities 01:21:47 leanne.prange: during play 01:21:47 Alanna Walker: a lot of one on one, observation 01:21:49 LSatorius: daily assignments, thumbs up or down for understanding 01:21:52 Michelle: observing, conversations 01:21:52 Phil Gieschen: conversation about topic 01:21:55 JRaasch: work samples 01:21:57 Noreen Wilson: interaction with the students 01:22:00 Anne D.: observations, classwork 01:22:01 JRaasch: checklists 01:22:05 SmartBoard: never realized how much I did through observation until I couldn't 01:22:05 Amy B: photos of activites 01:22:06 Mary Beth: one on one 01:22:09 Jen Kellermann: observation, daily assignments, interaction with students 01:22:10 Clair Jammer: observations 01:22:11 Joy Dorn: Observation, one on one 01:22:19 Kelley Randall: Observation, anecdotal records, checklists, recordings of conversations... 01:22:21 Anna Bartsch : projects, conversations 01:22:23 Connie Krueger: video and voice recordings on Seesaw 01:22:27 Phil Gieschen: projects 01:22:28 Mrs. Kelley: one on one interactions (questions, thumb up/down), observations, checklists 01:22:37 AnnieG: Has anyone used a cupcake rubric for assessment? (1-4?) 01:22:41 Naomi Evenson: photos of projects 01:22:49 leanne.prange: I loved assessment from seesaw recordings, their work, videos, etc 01:22:51 ducky55910: FlipGrid worked for showing me at the end of the year 01:23:22 Caley Ellenberger: Class DoJo was well received by my parents. 01:23:37 Kayte Gut: Can children/families interact with slides without a google account? 01:23:52 JRaasch: The tricky part of distance learning is the assessment of the social/emotional development 01:23:55 Lynelle Schleusener: awesome 01:24:05 Lynelle Schleusener: love this option 01:24:26 Lynelle Schleusener: similar to Bob books, without sound unless you do it with sounds 01:24:58 SmartBoard: but they HAVE TO develop the cutting skills too 01:25:14 Tassia-Channel Clement: can make him a "fat" cat 01:25:18 jeremybakken: Do rhymes with cat: fat, sat, rat 01:25:19 Phil Gieschen: so muxh eas 01:25:24 jeremybakken: mat 01:25:24 leanne.prange: cutting skills can be learned in other ways 01:25:24 Alan Uher: You could type sat. 01:25:38 Lisa Kerr: I would like to practice cutting in the realm of art, not reading. Frustrates them if they are on a time crunch.... 01:25:57 Dorothy Grivno: I agree with Lisa 01:26:08 leanne.prange: If you ask children what they are doing they will tell you they are "cutting" not learning letters, words etc 01:27:31 Lisa Kerr: Would you have a directions video to go with this, or written directions? 01:27:32 ducky55910: How do you share so each child has own file? 01:27:38 Kelley Randall: I love PD. I knew how to do this in Slides, but I never thought of using it this way! 01:28:36 Brenda: is this peardeck or just on google slides? 01:28:52 leanne.prange: seesaw has activities like this already done 01:29:24 Alanna Walker: Is Seesaw free? 01:29:53 leanne.prange: yes. there is a free version and a paid version. I used the free version all year this past year 01:30:09 Alanna Walker: Great! Thank you! 01:30:36 Hannah Holzhueter: l like that you can create things like this! Smart board program tech sometimes doesn't stay compatible over the years with updates. These should work for years! 01:30:37 Connie Krueger: Leanne is correct, Seesaw has tons of premade activities. Seesaw is free. You can get Seesaw Plus if you go through the ambassador program. 01:30:38 ducky55910: Is there a way to observe them doing these activities? 01:31:13 leanne.prange: on seesaw they record while they are doing it. or they talk about what they did on a video 01:34:15 Melissa Berg: The best part about Seesaw is that you can upload a google slide (so use everything we're learning here) as an activity and then students can do a voiceover right with it or show their thoughts by typing or drawing on the slides, too 01:34:34 Melissa Berg: Maybe not best part-so many cool parts:)! 01:34:35 Kayte Gut: Thanks, Rachel! 01:34:36 leanne.prange: yes Melissa! 01:34:49 Connie Krueger: The retro phones on Amazon are wonderful for recording on Seesaw! 01:35:44 Connie Krueger: Melissa, do the kids need a Google account for using slides on Seesaw? 01:35:50 Melissa Berg: no! 01:36:31 Melissa Berg: You can just upload-google is one choice when you add an activity as the teacher. You can also upload files just from your computer if they aren't google 01:37:47 Lisa Kerr: I am assuming that if you choose to record activities during the day that would require permission slips, or find ways to focus on just yourself rather than the class...I think 01:38:12 Jennifer Wockenfuss: Most of my students are unchurched!! The digital platform allowed me to teach Bible Stories to the whole family. It was an amazing outreach opportunity. 01:38:29 Robert Martens: Yes, and you’d want to include setting those expectations when registering kids so that parents are well aware of what is happening, when, and why. 01:38:33 Melissa Berg: Our families sign a permission as part of registration so we are covered for the year...for sharing on our private sites only, like Seesaw 01:38:44 leanne.prange: I agree with Jennifer! SO many of my parents shared the Christ light stories with many others 01:40:24 Maggie Enstad: I did several scavenger hunts over Google Meet with my 2nd graders this past quarter! They were a hit with the kids AND their parents! 01:41:01 leanne.prange: seesaw had many scavenger hunt activities that my families loved. also stem activities. 01:41:15 Amy B: My students, also, looked forward to scavenger hunts. 01:41:32 Chad Grambsch: I read Three Billy Goats Gruff and they had to make a bridge. I also read The three little pigs and they had to make a house out of whatever that they could NOT blow over. 01:41:39 JRaasch: Can you use your stuffed animals to make a tower as tall as your chair--or yourself 01:41:41 Jennifer Wockenfuss: We had weekend challenges. Create a carwash for hotwheels, make an outdoor obstacle course for your parents, chalk letters on sidewalk and squirt them off with water bottles. Parents and siblings loved them and sent videos and pics 01:41:42 Katie Schiferl: How do you address parents that point blank say they will not help or have their child participate, they are too busy with work or think their older child's work is more important?? 01:42:12 Melody: Katie - I wonder this too, many parents were working full time and didn't have time. 01:42:57 Stephanie Arndt: We did some math games using dice. SO many dice games out there if you do a quick search. :) 01:43:11 Lisa Kerr: We did daily challenges during COVID, and rewarded the ones who did them by highlighting their activities in daily videos. I guess reward the ones who do, and the ones who don't, just move past them. It's hard, but it's a fact sometimes :( 01:43:20 Jessica Neumann: I had STEAM choice activities (1-2nd grade) and my students would share and explain what they had done on Flipgrid. Big hit with students and parents! some got very elaborate 01:43:23 Kayte Gut: I think this is an area where you make the best decisions based on the families you serve. Simplify them if the majority of your families don't have as much time. However, this is a way to emphasize the importance of family involvement in their children's learning 01:43:23 JRaasch: There were also parents overwhelmed by their older kids having homework/needing help, scheduled zoom meetings for those kids, trying to do their jobs, working with their preschoolers, keeping their preschoolers from bothering older siblings working on school work 01:43:23 Jennifer Wockenfuss: Our preschoolers attend 2 days. We posted small lessons each day for 4 days and allowed the parents to do them on their own time. This way it wouldn't interrupt other siblings and parents working. 01:43:44 Rachel Kramer: We also had parents ask if different activities were mandatory. They didn’t appreciate the family activities. 01:43:45 Michele: I appreciate these practical examples. 01:44:16 Auden: I tried some of these simple activities, but parent involvement and communication gets tricky in our setting where a large number of our parents do not speak English. Many of my classroom parents relied on their 2nd grade child to translate the information I send, often not very accurately. 01:44:24 Jennifer Wockenfuss: I used sign up genius to sign up for Zoom calls. I did them one on one when the time worked for them. 01:44:33 leanne.prange: parents were more relaxed when they realized learning takes place in these other kinds of activites 01:45:47 Naomi Evenson: Cooking w/ PreK: kids simply drew 4-5 ingredients & write beginning letters for each recipe. Built a cookbook :) 01:46:08 Melissa Koenig: We did a cookbook too and made a video on flipgrid! 01:46:28 lmarggraf: It would be fun to do stem challenges in person with parents, but record the teacher doing it and it could be posted on the website/social media for parents who couldn't make it. 01:46:31 Amy B: What a fun idea! 01:46:35 LSatorius: Do you use both Google Classroom and Seesaw with the younger ones, or just pick one? 01:46:41 Melissa Bickelhaupt: GREAT EXAMPLES! 01:46:59 Julie Miller: What tool is best to use to share high volume/lengthy videos that can be downloaded or sent to the teacher? 01:47:04 kristenmiller: Love it! 01:47:29 Karen Tenyer: We are considering making a policy in regards to remote learning and accountability for the coming year. Parents and students then know the expectation. 01:47:34 Lisa Kerr: We used Google Meet. I didn't see that there was a time limit, but our videos were less than 20 minutes each. 01:47:35 Stephanie Arndt: Sometimes I think that is true. They really cannot do any of these things with their kids. Internet is hard to get. They are maxed out just maintaining their jobs. Etc. You can ask/offer if there is another way you can help/reach the student. 01:47:57 Melissa Berg: I went to a keynote with Jason Schmidt a few years ago. At that time we were looking at bloomz, Seesaw, Google. His advice-pick a pony and ride it! We picked Seesaw and I am so glad! 01:48:12 Caley Ellenberger: I have a few parents that have limited technology access so trying not to make too many things are technology dependent. 01:48:22 Jennifer Wockenfuss: We actually created a private facebook page, recorded videos and put everything on there. Parents could put pictures of kids, or videos of kids. It was also a way for kids to see their friends and what they were doing. We contact parents individually through Remind. We are a stand alone Preschool 01:48:54 Chad Grambsch: I made Wednesdays the day for an extra fun thing like dress up day, the STEM project or a messy art project. Parents were more likely to do the extras when it wasn't EVERY day. I teach Kindergarten and the parents were overwhelmed with all the extras and the expected stuff. 01:49:01 James Brohn: The private Facebook page worked well for our 2nd grade class as well. 01:49:51 Connie Krueger: Class blog enabled on Seesaw worked wonderful for class interaction and sharing. 01:49:55 Karen Tenyer: Which is better, a private Facebook page or a dedicated youtube channel? 01:50:00 Anne D.: Does each student need an account in Seesaw? 01:50:08 James Brohn: Poll your classroom parents to see what they are comfortable with. 01:50:14 Kayte Gut: If you would like the extensive library of pre-made activities in SeeSaw, you will need the paid version 01:50:17 leanne.prange: yes, Anne, everyone student needs an accoutn 01:50:19 leanne.prange: account 01:50:28 Naomi Evenson: PreK used wipeoff pockets to reuse letter & number sheet activity independently. 01:50:28 Connie Krueger: You can use a class code on Seesaw or Google account. 01:50:35 Sarah Sell: SeeSaw is very kid-friendly and easy for young kids to use. I had kindergartners sending me videos and recordings without their parents even knowing! 01:50:42 leanne.prange: I worked with each child at the beginning of the year to teach them how to use it. It was very very easy for them 01:50:47 Melissa Berg: Seesaw is one classroom account for the students. For parents to see their work, they need the Seesaw family app 01:50:50 rachel heckmann: The beginning of a new school year always poses problems with getting to know parents and how they work 01:51:07 leanne.prange: I had kids doing seesaw videos to me also! 01:51:12 Lisa Kerr: We posted our videos on YouTube, but made them so that you had to have the link to view them. Not private, but I forget the exact word for it...ugh 01:51:30 leanne.prange: I agree, many do not have FB accounts 01:51:30 Karen Wordell: some frowned on private Facebook page. not sure why. i used it cuz parents were familiar 01:51:40 Brenda Cole: We record and upload it in our drives and then share the link on class dojo 01:52:00 jeremybakken: YouTube unlisted requires the link to see. 01:52:03 Katie Schiferl: I used Facebook it did work well but I did not like having to friend the parents. Will not do again. 01:52:06 leanne.prange: parents on seesaw can only have access to their child 01:52:12 Joy Pelkey: Love class dojo for pre-k 01:52:16 Karen Riley: Cluster is a private site to share classroom photos and videos privately 01:52:26 Lisa Kerr: I know that there are new Messenger rooms, and many of my students now have Messenger Kid Accounts. I wonder how that would fit in here... 01:52:30 Eileen: Can the SuperKids curriculum be shared through these platforms? 01:52:30 Melissa Bickelhaupt: BRIGHTWHEEL 01:52:35 Caley Ellenberger: Class DoJo was great for videos and portfolios. Privacy was great. 01:52:49 Kayte Gut: Love the Bitmojis! 01:52:52 Amy B: Thank you so much! 01:52:53 leanne.prange: thank you!!! 01:52:54 Melody: Thank you! 01:52:56 Karen Wordell: thanks ladies 01:53:00 Leah Haasch: Eileen you can link to Superkids anywhere; the website itself is standalone, I think. 01:53:00 Jazzmin Sanchez: Those are so cute! 01:53:01 Jennifer Wockenfuss: Thank you 01:53:01 Julie’s iPhone: thank you! 01:53:02 Tanya Kalbach: thank you 01:53:02 Rachel Schroeder: Thank you both! 01:53:03 Alan Uher: Hey, he did that to me, too! 01:53:03 rachel heckmann: Thank you! 01:53:04 Sara Isom: Thank you! 01:53:06 Melissa Berg: If you want to explore more on Seesaw, check out these PD: https://help.seesaw.me/hc/en-us/articles/360001356872-Seesaw-PreK-2-PD-in-your-PJs 01:53:06 Michele: Thanks so much! 01:53:07 Michelle: thank you 01:53:08 Vicki Burger: thank you!! 01:53:08 Leah Qualmann: Thank you 01:53:09 Donna Kuenn: Thank You! 01:53:10 Maggie Enstad: Thank you!!! 01:53:10 Connie Krueger: Thank you! 01:53:10 Robert Martens: Clock Hours: https://forms.gle/ZBXoA8W8E1hQux5P9 01:53:11 Janet Liebenow: Thanks!! 01:53:12 Brenda: thank you! 01:53:13 Karla Leitz: This was awesome thanks 01:53:14 Naomi Evenson: Thanks & God Bless! 01:53:16 Karen Riley: Thank you! 01:53:16 Robert Martens: Clock Hours: https://forms.gle/ZBXoA8W8E1hQux5P9 01:53:17 Lynelle Schleusener: Thank you 01:53:17 Kate Wakefield: Thank you! 01:53:20 Kris Lindemann: I appreciate your time and preparation! Thanks for sharing! 01:53:20 Noelle Boucher: Thank you! Beautiful presentation 01:53:21 James Carlovsky: Session 5 Clock Hours: https://forms.gle/ZBXoA8W8E1hQux5P9 01:53:22 Mary Beth: Thank You! 01:53:23 Anne D.: Thank you! 01:53:27 kristenmiller: Thank you! 01:53:28 tlindwurm: Thank you! 01:53:30 Melissa Bickelhaupt: Thank you! Great job, super informative. 01:53:30 Chad Grambsch: THANK YOU!! 01:53:31 jessica.enter: Thank you for sharing! Loved it! 01:53:31 Becky Guenther: Thank you Rachel & Jen! 01:53:38 Robert Martens: Clock Hours: https://forms.gle/ZBXoA8W8E1hQux5P9 01:53:42 jillpeil: Thank you! 01:53:51 Melissa Nolte: Thank you! 01:53:53 AnnieG: Thank you! 01:53:54 Robert Martens: Clock Hours: https://forms.gle/ZBXoA8W8E1hQux5P9 01:53:56 Phil Gieschen: so helpful! Thank you! 01:54:00 Sarah Jandron: Thank you! 01:54:08 Lisa Kerr: Thanks all! Great information! 01:54:09 Mom: Thanks o much! 01:54:11 LSatorius: Thank you! 01:54:11 iPad: Thank you! 01:54:11 Nickie: THANK YOU!!!! 01:54:17 Sarah Sell: Thanks! 01:54:17 Melissa Koenig: Thank you both! 01:54:25 Bethany Schwartz: Thank you! 01:54:28 Karen Tenyer: Thanks so much! Lots of great resources and suggestions! 01:54:35 Carolyn Henzi: Thank you for the wonderful presentation1 01:54:35 Robert Martens: Clock Hours: https://forms.gle/ZBXoA8W8E1hQux5P9 01:54:39 tlindwurm: Thanks MLC for this conference! It was GREAT! 01:54:41 James Carlovsky: Session 5 Clock Hours: https://forms.gle/ZBXoA8W8E1hQux5P9 01:54:44 ginar_000: Thank you so much! 01:54:51 Kelley Randall: Thanks so much! 01:54:58 Cindy Weigand: Thank you! 01:54:59 Bryan Schneck: Thank you! 01:55:01 Michelle : This was wonderful! Thank you! 01:55:14 szeitler: Thank you. 01:55:26 jalend: Thank you so much!! 01:55:38 LSatorius: Our school uses Google classroom, and so did I, but I see some great things in Seesaw