Lutheran educators work to create lessons that are student-based. This course familiarizes the teacher with a number of differentiated instructional strategies. These include flexible grouping, menu boards, cubing, web-quests, rafts, and tiered tasks.

Course participants will create and deliver an instructional unit that incorporates the phases of differentiated instruction:

  • Development of understandings,
  • Pre-assessment,
  • Content delivery,
  • Summative assessment and/or application activities, and
  • Reflection/closure activities.

Video models of differentiated lessons will be provided as examples.

Following the Teaching That Works model, the course is job-embedded, collaborative, reflective, and practical. As such, this course is only offered during the school year, while the teacher has a working classroom available. Teachers will clarify, refine, and deepen their understanding through discussions with other teachers involved in the course. They will give and receive peer feedback on their instructional plans and implementation results. All teachers will design their own instructional plan incorporating the strategy of this course in a way that is customized to their students and classroom. After implementing the plan, the teacher will reflect upon his/her work and the student results, and based upon feedback make necessary revisions to improve practice.

Instructor: Dr. Carrie Pfeifer, DMLC ’81

Read More About Differentiated Lesson Planning in our
Issues in Lutheran Education blog